An individual carbon pledge
Led by John Morgan, Pat Boyle and the Construction leadership team, we launched the Morgan Sindall Group Carbon Pledge for our colleagues. The Pledge is an intelligent and tailored eLearning module that helps our staff to understand the importance of carbon and learn more about our leadership in tackling carbon and climate change. The Pledge allows users to create their own Carbon Pledge to make the small yet significant changes to ways of working, helping us to decarbonise.
It asks every one of our 7,000 colleagues across Morgan Sindall Group to commit to three work-related carbon reduction commitments relevant to their role.
Every employee is expected to take the Pledge, using the online platform, starting with John Morgan, Pat Boyle and the Construction senior leadership team.
These pledges will mean that by the end of 2021, we will have over 21,000 granular actions, that will help remove carbon from our activities and the wider value chain.