Why a good design manager is vital
While all agreed that involving all parties in the design process at an early stage was key, many pointed out that managing these stakeholders was a challenge which required a unique skill set.
One participant noted: “Historically, M&E sat as a really discrete item and a siloed approach could work. But as buildings become more intertwined and connected, that’s no longer possible. We can’t split the disciplines neatly anymore, so a project manager’s job can be incredibly difficult.”
Another added: “A role that’s developed in answer to design-and-build contracting, is the design manager. We have five in our office and they’re arguably the most important people. Some are former architects, some ex-engineers. We’ve then given them commercial and project management training.
They’re now invaluable and have a unique set of skills that enables them to manage a range of specialties effectively.
Seconding this view, a consultant said: “When you get a good design manager on board and their only task is looking at that coordination, it’s immensely helpful - they knit it together nicely.”
Soft skills and the ability to work effectively with multiple personalities were seen as key attributes of a design manager.
But the role technology, and BIM in particular, was increasingly playing in the process was also highlighted.
“The difficulty is getting a system that everybody subscribes to,” one attendee said.
“We use SmartSheet, a cloud-based system to embed change control which is live. The whole design team integration process it provides, I think it’s possibly part of the solution.
Getting more immediate measurements and cost implications out of the BIM model has been helpful.”
Not everyone at the table agreed on the value of BIM in its current state, but there was a consensus that standardisation was required, with one expert noting:
“BIM needs to quickly move to be ‘just how we do things’ so that extra money doesn’t need to be factored into a project for it be delivered.
We need one standardised model which everyone subscribes to, understands and can access.