In the UK we have a legally-binding net zero target of 2050 - or 2045 for Scotland - and most local authorities have made a climate emergency declaration. As global material consumption continues to increase, the carbon footprint and resource consumption of building projects are increasingly in the spotlight.
By consistently challenging ourselves and our stakeholders, we have a track record of delivering low carbon, resource-efficient buildings over their entire lifecycle. We have recently updated our ambitious and validated Science Based Targets, and we are committed to be net zero by 2030, and across our entire value chain by 2045 by making steep reductions in carbon emissions.
For our business, this includes the buildings we deliver for our customers - both the embodied and operational carbon - and we've been on this decarbonisation journey for many years now.
Over the pages of this document you will find practical examples to give you the confidence that tackling climate change is possible and well within reach. Our actions are built on a foundation of industry-leading corporate responsibility that attests to our commitment to be transparent in all we do and we stand ready to support you to achieve your aspirations and targets in a responsible way.