**A word from the Project Director**
Over the year we've continued working with numerous partners, whom we formed new relationships with back in 2022 when the Manor Road project first commenced. Together, we've demonstrated collaboration is key to achieving positive outcomes for both people and places. We are extremely proud to have partnered with a vast number of businesses to support the delivery of various initiatives, some of which include:
AAA Adventure Playground improvement works; our supply chain partners Regal Construction and Bridgegap played a fundamental role in this project and we are grateful for their support and for collaborating with us.
Inspire EBP; delivered ‘Boss Day’ events to Plashet Secondary School twice and a third time for Forest Gate Community School.
LDEUTC (London Design Engineering University Technical College); providing a number of students with work experience and delivered a hazard activity on our site and introducing us to our new QS apprentice on the project.
Newvic Sixth Form College; a delightful partner who have provided us with four students studying T-Level construction for both our Manor Road and Newham Collegiate projects.
Our supply chain partners and our own apprentices caught the attention of the Mayor of London’s office; we were thrilled to welcome the Deputy Mayor for Children and Families – Joanne McCartney, who spoke to apprentices about their education/career journey and working on the Manor Road project.
Our commitment to Social Value has been exceptional, strengthened by the entire project team who embrace the importance of Social Value, understanding it is a key part of the construction process.
We are grateful for all the partners we have worked with in 2023 and thankful to our supply chain partners who continuously support our vital Social Value activities.